by the Editor, Robert L. Cobb
For classic sermon manuscripts by great preachers of yesteryear, click here.
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Man's Devisings, God's Decrees
A message for Thanksgiving stressing the sovereignty and providence of God toward His people.    ADDED NOV. 11th, 2013
An Inexpressible Thanksgiving!
A message dealing with Paul's thankfulness for the Thessalonians and lessons for God's people.
The Song of Thanksgiving   Psalm 100
The Incarnation of Christ
Hard Times In Old Bethlehem
A sermon for the Christmas season stressing the difficulties of Joseph and Mary at the time of Christ's birth and how those difficulites mirror our troubles today.   ADDED 12/7/08
A Life-Changing Christmas
Christmas can be a life-changing time, for either good or bad.
The Christian's Great Ability
From Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Love Written In Blood  (A Valentine's Message)
A love story written in blood. A recent example and an ancient one.
The Picture of a Perfect Father
In the parable of the prodigal son, we see an example of the perfect father, a picture of God Himself.
God's Right To Govern
A message for Independence Day stressing the difference between the government of man and the future government of God.      ADDED JUNE 21st, 2013
The Chill of Cold-Heartedness
A sermon from Mat. 24:12. "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold!"  The principle: The more iniquity abounds, the more love wains.  ADDED MAY 27th, 2012
Names In a Graveyard
One day all that will remain of us on this earth is a tombstone with our name on it.  But God will review and reward according to His plan. ADDED FEBRUARY 17, 2013
God's Personal Message To America
A 4th of July Sermon from Pro. 14:34
The Husband /Wife Relationship
By far, our most accessed sermon manuscript.
What does the Bible say about marriage?
Light For Dark Times   An Easter Message
How the resurrection brought light out of darkness, and how these truths still today can bring blessing and power to God's people in times of darkness and suffering.
The Shipwreck of Your Faith
From 1 Tim. 1:19  How the Christian can shipwreck his faith in a manner not unlike actual shipwrecks on the high seas. 
The Easter Morning That Changed Everything
"Woman, why weepest thou?" A personal question but also a theoretical one that reveals a wonderful future for God's people.
The Blessings of Liberty (A 4th of July Sermon)
A sermon for Independence emphasizing both national and spiritual liberty and national and spiritual responsibility. 
ADDED 6/28/10
Finding God In Times of Turmoil     Psalm 63
A godly man's honest assessment of spiritual lacking in his heart, and a cry to God to manifest His presence to him. 
Render Unto Caesar
Should believers be involved in politics?  What does the bible say?   Mat. 22:15-22. Another much-read manuscript.
Three Steps to Answered Prayer  Three elements to real prayer.
The Meaning of Malchus' Ear
What the Bible is teaching us today about this obscure miracle.
Coming to Oneself
A study of personal revival using the story of the prodigal son
The Shame of the Sinner
Understanding the Biblical Concept of Shame 
Lessons Learned From a Beggar
Why does God allow suffering and pain in the world?
A Cup of Cold Water   (The Rewards of Refreshing)
Just a cup of cold water is enough to activate the rewards of God! 
Seeing God In a Summer Storm
God paints a great portrait of his sovereign power and glory all around us.
Revival: Our Heritage & Our Hope
On the Importance of Revival in our Past and the Future
The Shocking Results of Secret Sin
Comparing the secret sins of today's Christians to Achan's debacle.
What Sports Fans Can Teach Christians
Lessons about serving God by observing the dedication of sports fans.
Christ's Answer to Human Catastrophe
God's message looking back on  the terrorist attack of 9/11
Supper At Midnight
The Divine invitation from Christ to us.  "I stand at the door and knock..."
The Christian's Resemblance To His Father
From 1 John 3:1-3.  A good Father's Day manuscript.
The Amazing Accomplishments of Prayer They That Dream...
A Study of Ps. 126 Finding and Fulfilling God's Purpose for Our Lives
God As Our Mother Eagle
From Deut. 32:11.  Good Mothers Day sermon.  There are many unauthorized copies of this sermon on the web by thieving preachers.
Have You Overlooked Your Burning Bush?
How God speaks to us directly today through the Scripture
When the Heart Has Lost Its Song
Psalm 137
Anticipating God In Your Future
While we may not be able to correctly anticipate the events of our lives, we CAN, through the Scripture, anticipate what God will do.
The Monster Sees Himself In the Mirror
A Halloween Message on Repentance
World's Greatest Dad!
The Heavenly Father... Also suitable for Father's Day. 
Bible Kisses
Topical message exploring the kiss. Good for Valentine's Day.
David & His Mighty Men
A 'Super Bowl' message from the life of King David
A Crisis of Faith
Why do Christians who have served God faithfully and successfully for many years suddenly "go back" on God?
Great Things From Strange Places
At Home In Christ
Though the concept of 'home" may be diminished in today's culture, it is still alive and well in Bible doctrine.
Paul's Prayer for the Ephesian Saints
Paul reveals to us the spiritual blessings of being a Christian and a part of Christ's great family called the church. 
The Greatness of God's Family
Paul prays the Ephesians would understand and appreciate all of the spiritual blessings that God has given them. 
The Father's Blessings To His Children
Have we possibly overlooked the best example of fatherhood in the Bible?  The Heavenly Father Himself.
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